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Writer's pictureCleodoescoasters

Most Anticipated Rides of 2022

I thought while I'm doing my 2022 planning I'd do a quick post on my most anticipated rides this year. Warning: This does include a lot of things I may not end up riding from covid restrictions, but fingers crossed. Let's get into it!

1. F.L.Y and Taron, Phantasialand

I have waited 5 years to get on Taron and 3 to ride F.L.Y and honestly, I am so hyped. Kinda concerned they won't live up to the hype but yk, they have wonderful theming even if they're not incredible rides but the chances of them being bad are quite low. I think i'm going to go to Phantasialand in the summer along with a few other european parks with rides mentioned later, but it's not booked because of Covid😭.

2. The Ride To Happiness, Plopsaland De Panne

Moving on to a park I have had SO MANY trips planned and booked to that I've had to cancel, Plopsaland De Panne is a bucket list park for so many people at the moment for the sole reason - Ride To Happiness. It looks insane. The inversions, the speed, the on ride audio😍. I just can't wait.

3. Farmyard Flyer, Paultons Park

This might seem like a bit of a weird one, but Farmyard Flyer has been on the bucket list for a while. Watching its construction has been magical as you can really tell they have taken on board lots of criticisms of Storm Chaser, Cyclonator and the rest of Tornado Springs in the design and construction of Farmyard Flyer to help improve it, but it still seamlessly fits in with the rest of the area. The ride opens Friday 1st April. (I won't be there, should be there for the 2nd🤞).

📸: @Thrill_Nation

4. Zadra and Hyperion, Energylandia

Seeing how much RMCs are hyped up in the USA gets me so excited to ride one this year, especially Zadra of all of them.

There's just so much at Energylandia I want to do, I feel like half my bucket list is there at this point😭. Formula, Abyssus, Zadra & Hyperion all look incredible and I can imagine they'll be some good top 10 movement after I visit. The variety offered by Energylandia's line up is just so useful for whatever party of people you have visiting as it suits all age groups, something not offered at a lot of parks (especially in the UK). I can wait to ride these 2 coasters and see how they compare to my other European favourites.

5. Star Trek Operation Enterprise, Movie Park Germany

I hardly knew about Star Trek until a few years back when I first saw the Backyardigans Coaster and looked into what other rides were there. It looks like Icon's older brother. Faster, more Powerful and just generally better. Of all the coasters on this list, it definitely has some of the best theming and i think the IP of this coaster actually improves this. Normally, an IP gives lots of opportunity to create a good storyline but on so many occasions this is done really badly. However, it is done very well with Star Trek.

What rollercoasters are you looking forward to riding this year? What theme parks do you plan on visiting? Thank you so much for reading, I'll see you next time!

Cleo x

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