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Writer's pictureCleodoescoasters

Legoland Mythica Review - 2021

Where do I start? At the time of writing I got off 6 hours and am still slightly speechless. IT WAS SO F***ING GOOD! It's been ages since I was so utterly wowed by a ride, so let's get into How and Why! I'm writing this review with general area thoughts and a review of flight of the sky lion.


The new Area of Lego Mythica was beautiful. It was so detailed, down to the floors, paint colours, lego brick cleanliness and queuelines. It's obviously not disney/universal level but for the uk, it was really good. I was talking about this when I got off, but Legoland in It's quality recently has been really good. Anyway, The area: the entrance portal was neatly decorated with emblems of each new ride in the area and had really pretty intricate lego decorations in the gaps. I really liked the way this area used lego a lot (it is a lego based park so yk) but could still be enjoyed by people who don't like lego.

The area had so many cool models everywhere that were so interesting to look at while waiting for Sky Lion.

Flight of The Sky Lion:

Now, on to the juicy bit, Flight of The Sky Lion. Oh my days was it amazing! The Theming, storytelling, effects, ride system and concepts were so good😍. Let's go into some in more detail. *No Spoilers*


I won't go into detail on what the storyline was as not to spoil it, but the way it was told was really effective. I find some dark rides have good theming but you come off a little confused what was happening, but Sky Lion was great at fully telling it's story.


I will admit, this is the only part I will mention negatives in. But I have to say some bad things otherwise something will never be able to improve. As I said, the theming matched with the storyline was amazing, but there were a few 'blank spots' that were missing decoration/theming. Nevertheless, the 95% that was done was done really nicely!


The pre sections feature good effects, a 'banging' soundtrack and the ride itself had a good effects too. They were significant enough to notice but not too in-your-face they were annoying.


Just some general notes: if you're heading to legoland in the next few days, expect long queues for Sky Lion. Bear in mind it has just opened so everyone wants to ride it. Wait out the long queues, it is really worth it! I queued 1hr 45mins and I'd say it was worth it😳. Considering how new it is it only broke down once the whole 2hrs I was in the area and they had it back running in a matter of 5/10 mins. Sky Lion is an absolutely incredible attraction that will be my favourite merlin dark ride for a long time✨

Other Rides:

I didn't experience any of the other new/rethemed rides in Mythica but they all looked great! The theming was nicely matched with the other areas and created great supporting ride lineup for Sky Lion.

Legoland Mythica is an INCREDIBLE area that is so, so worth a trip down south to come and do. I'd give Sky Lion an 8.5-9/10 and would definitely name it my favourite UK dark ride. Have you come to experience Sky Lion? What did you think of it? Thank you so much for reading, I'll see you all next time!

Cleo x

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